Entries by infinite

Define your “WHY”

Define Your “WHY” We’re a few months into the new school year. We’re already experiencing and adjusting what is working well and  what is not. During these times it is […]


“If you want children to continue dreaming to the moon and beyond, then dream with them, both by sharing your fervent dreams, and by diving heart first into their own.” […]

Infinite Potential!

“The potential possibilities of any child are the most  intriguing and stimulating in all creation.”              Through-out history, children were often raised to learn, work, and duplicate the roles and […]


“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”  This quote is from the international-renown physicist–Albert Einstein, who wasn’t able to talk until the age of three, suffered from dyslexia and autism, […]


Parents, you are incredible. We celebrate you and thank-you for your daily efforts to support the education of your children. Parenting is a 24-7 commitment. The selfless work you do […]

Family Routine

Routines are a great way to get everyone on the same page and working together. When everyone involved knows what is expected, and when it is expected, there are fewer […]

The Elusive Schedule

When I first started our home education journey, I felt completely overwhelmed. My children were good at entertaining themselves (the beauty of the pre-device era)… but they got so good […]

Lexile Levels

What is a Lexile level? Lexile levels describe both the difficulty of text and the ability of an individual reader.  For example a text may be determined to be at […]

Hard Things

In the world of children,  testing is one of the hard things they are required to do. I was opposed to testing and the stress that it causes.  I tried […]