Library Rules and Procedures

CGA Library system information




Once you have collaborated with your ES to determine what curriculum best suits the needs of your student and family, she will place your order.  

We recommend ordering items at least a month before you need to start using them. This provides sufficient time for ordering your materials from vendors, receiving, preparing, and delivering them before you need them.  Remember: Materials cannot be checked out directly in the library without prior approval from your ES.


Any items not currently carried will require extra approval process time. To avoid the wait and possibility of rejection, please consult with your ES to see if another regularly carried curricula or resource could similarly meet your needs.


The Resource Library is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm.  You are welcome to come in any time during those hours to look through curriculum samples, get advice, and/or check out resource materials. Children are also welcome in our library, and a play area is provided for their use. Keep in mind that children must still be supervised by parents while in either library.

  1.       You may have up to five resource items/kits checked out at one time.
  2.       Resource items/kits must be returned within four weeks of check out. 
  3.       Curriculum and Chromebooks do not have a time limit.



Workbooks: Please only take what you need.  Look through it at the library to determine if it will be useful to you. If testing out a curriculum, please use a separate sheet of paper when using workbooks. Return workbooks that are unused.  Do not return workbooks that have been written in.

Chemicals and Other Science Materials: 

RETURN: ALL containers even if empty.  We will refill them!

RETURN: Any items that are still usable by another student.  Things like unbent paper clips, partially used solutions, powders, supplies from experiments that you chose not to do, etc.

DO NOT RETURN: Anything that would be unhygienic to use again, such as straws or balloons that you have put your mouth on, Petri dishes you have grown bacteria in…etc.

DO NOT RETURN: Consumables that are intended to be ONE USE and have been USED.


 Art and Craft Supplies:

RETURN: Pencils, Pens, Art Erasers, Spools of Thread/String, and Other Similar Materials that can be used again by another student.  These items are listed as consumable because over time they will be used up and need to be replaced, but we expect that they will last through multiple check-outs. If items are not returned, you will be charged to replace them.


Rule of Thumb: If you are returning a kit please return anything that goes with it that can be used again by another student.   This enables us to continue to add to our library offerings instead of spending money to replace items that can be shared by many students.


All items returned to the resource library will be thoroughly inventoried.  We want the materials you check out to be in good repair and complete. You will be held financially responsible for missing or damaged items.

Books, Manuals, DVDs and CDs: Missing Items will be charged at replacement cost.


Games, Kits, and Other Resource Items:

$0.50 Fine per missing card or small piece if the game or kit is still useable without those pieces.

$1.00 Fine for larger game elements if the game is still playable without those elements.

$5.00 Fine for missing instructions.

Replacement Cost will be charged for non-consumable elements that need to be replaced to make the game playable or the kit complete up to the full cost of replacing the game, puzzle, or kit.


If your student is withdrawn from Canyon Grove Academy, we will need the return of all items that have been checked out from the library immediately.  If anything is lost, stolen or damaged, you will be held financially responsible for their replacement.   


$1.00-$2.00 Fine for Repairs.  If in our judgment a box, bag, book, or other item has been damaged beyond normal wear and tear, we may assess this fine.  If the item is damaged beyond repair, you may be charged the full replacement cost. 


Every attempt will be made to communicate with you in a timely manner about return issues.  Turn around time is largely influenced by the number of returns we get within a given week. During the school year it generally takes 1-2 days up to 1-2 weeks to process returns.  At the beginning and end of the school year it can be 1-2 months to go through all the returns and communicate to parents.

If you check out any materials from the Resource Library and notice issues with that kit (missing items or damages), we encourage you to contact us immediately so that we can note the issues and address them appropriately.  We ask you to be responsible for the items you check out. Store them in a safe place, and keep them in good repair. If fines or replacement costs are owed, we will always communicate with you by email. Generally, you will be given a week to respond or return items before charges are sent to the front office.  Additional time is often given around the holidays. 


Please try to return items quickly when you are done with them.  That way other families can enjoy the materials as well. We are serving over 600 students and we can only meet requests as quickly as items are returned to us. 



We welcome you to check books out from our school library as well as our resource library.  

  1.       You may have up to four books checked out at one time.
  2.       Books must be returned within four weeks of check out. 
  3.       We will send out an “OVERDUE” email if the books are not returned, and then    

          replacement costs may be charged to your account.   

  1.       Damaged books may be assessed a repair fee if damaged beyond normal wear and tear.  

          Repair fees start at $1.00 up to the replacement cost of the book.

  1.       ALL checked out books must be returned by the last day of April so that we can begin our 

          end of the year inventory.

  1.       We strongly encourage that books be returned to the main library in person rather than  

          dropped off with teachers at satellite locations.  You are financially responsible for the  

          book until it is checked back in at the main library.

We hold a Book Fair twice a year at the end of September and at the end of February and welcome volunteers at both events! We also have an online book club account so that parents can order books directly from Scholastic. We will order on or around the 15th of November and the 15th of March.

We welcome book requests which will be added to our library wish list.  We also welcome donations! We are excited to serve your family!


One device can be checked out to each Canyon Grove Academy student. 

Please save your work frequently to a USB drive, or email your files.  Canyon Grove is not responsible for files created.

Personal software cannot be loaded onto the device.  This includes modifying, manipulating, adding, deleting or removing any desktop shortcuts, task bars, folders, installations of online games, browser add-ons or browser plugins.  If you need a specific item loaded or changed on the device you must contact Canyon Grove Academy where an authorized person will perform any actions. Do not store music or video files of any kind on the device.

If the device has filtering software or tracking software DO NOT attempt to modify, remove or circumvent the software in anyway.  Remember any actions performed on the device may be recorded and reviewed. There is no expectation of privacy while using a Canyon Grove Academy device.

Canyon Grove Academy reserves the right to take back the device at any time.  If it is requested by Canyon Grove Academy to return the device with its power cord, you agree that you will bring it back within the week that it is requested or be fined and possibly charged for the replacement of the device and power cord.

Do not leave your device unattended.  You are responsible for a device that is stolen while it is checked out to you.

If you notice any damage to the device or if you discover that an application is not working, immediately notify Canyon Grove Academy.

If you break the device or if it needs fixing DO NOT take it to a business or a friend to fix.  Return it to Canyon Grove Academy as soon as possible for all repairs.

You will be billed or face fines for a device that is damaged, modified or physically changed in anyway.  Do not place stickers, write on or customize the device. Keep the device clean. Do not remove anything on the device or disassemble it in anyway.  If you return a device that needs considerable work you will be fined for its repair and clean up.

If you break a device beyond the ability to repair it then you will be responsible to pay for the device in full, if you lose or break the power cord than you will be responsible to pay for the power cord.

Do not allow anyone else access to, or use of the device.  The device can only be used for academic purposes. Personal use is prohibited.

If you need help with the device, it’s software, your login or security please contact Canyon Grove Academy.

By signing below you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in the Canyon Grove Academy Distance Education Library Rules and Procedures document.  

You also agree that you will not hold Canyon Grove Academy or its personnel liable or responsible for any misuse of the device or any inappropriate content that your student might access or inadvertently be exposed to.

Legal Guardian _______________________________________Date___________________

Scholastic Books

If you would like to order books please go to and click the “Connect to Your Teacher” button. Enter the code P7PZM. Next click the “Create Account” button. After creating your account you can shop by grade, collection, or flyer!

Online Resources

You are welcome to order as many online subscriptions as you need. The minimum requirements for every subscription is one hour every week. Please notify your Educational Specialist immediately if you find your children lose interest and are not using a subscription. If the subscriptions are purchased but not used the entire school risks losing the grant that is attached to them. Thanks for your help in keeping our grant.

Partial subscription list:

Aleks, BrainPop, BringArtHome, Code for Life, Country Reports, DreamBox, MySciLearn, Generation Genius, Khan Academy, Lexia, Math Seeds, Learning A-Z, Science A-Z, Reading Eggs, Scrible, Skybrary, Sora, ST Math, Standards plus, Starfall, Storybird, Study Sync, Tynker, Typing Pal, Wonders, Zearn, Xtra Math

Parents are responsible for monitoring and ensuring the content is appropriate for their children.


Dissection kits, Young Scientist kits, Supercharged Science, Sassafras Science, Elemental Science, Building blocks for Science, Real Science for Kids.

Social Studies:

Story of the World, Liberty Kids, A History of US, Professor Noggins, Legends and Leagues, Road Trip USA, Expedition Earth


Home Art Studio, Artistic Pursuits, Picture study Portfolio, Draw Right Now

Foreign Language

Duolingo, Classical Academic Press, Song School, Foreign Language for Kids by Kids,  Whistlefritz, Mango Language