
Link to Parent Handbook 

Adventures is a blend of exciting hands-on learning, strong academic instruction, engaged discussion, and individual creative pursuits that guide students to feel empowered over their educational journey.  Blended learning means that sometimes students are learning in person and sometimes they are learning at home. Adventures at Home is a blend of hands-on learning, core instruction, engaged discussion, and individual creative pursuits. Each student’s academic path is customized to inspire deeper learning through student-directed, parent-supported passion projects using the vast variety of materials available for checkout in our Resource Library. In addition, we use activities that inspire curiosity and discovery to learn the essential science, history, language arts, and math state standards for the year. 

Adventures language arts is based upon Wonders,, an explicit phonics curriculum that helps every student build a solid foundation in reading and spelling through direct instruction. In addition, the class will have valuable literature discussions and class read aloud novels that correspond with the weekly Epic topics and focus on essentials such as strong writing abilities, keyboarding, and analytical skills.

Zearn Math is a top-rated program designed to be engaging for all students. K-5 Adventures teachers will use this powerful math program to promote student success no matter their current level of understanding. Zearn teaches the same concepts in multiple learning formats to reach the various learning needs of Adventure students. 6th-grade students will use the tried and true CK-12 math program. In addition, all K-6 students will engage in Math Talks several times a week to strengthen their math reasoning and use their math skills for real-world applications.

Adventures-at-home students and their parents have the opportunity to engage in all of our wonderful programs: 

Innovations This program lets students enjoy the many opportunities available to them on our campus, including the Space Center, SmartLab, and the school farm!
Discovery  Students learn confidence and as they discover their interests with activities such as the climbing wall, ice skating, paddle boarding, hiking, and sports! 
Epic  Students engage in hands-on learning as they explore the rotating history theme for the year! This year we will be studying 2021-22: Modern World History!
Allies Our Allies program creates a true partnership between the school and home. With parent training, Town Hall Meetings, and collaboration, our parents are valued!
Spark This program sparks enjoyment in families through shared experiences such as evening family field trips, services projects, and engaging school events!

Combining all of these opportunities provides whole child learning at its best! Whether it’s Dance, Music, PE, and Makerspace Art, Robotics, or digital media arts, your child will find a way to shine in their individual way! 

Innovations & Discovery

Innovations is always on campus and uses our resources we have at the school such as our Farm, Space Center, Smart Lab, pottery, music, etc. One session of Innovations lasts for 8 weeks. Discovery is all about trying a wide variety of things and can be both on or off campus. One session of Discovery lasts for 4 weeks. Activities vary every year. Some of our past classes have been snowshoeing, ice skating, paddle boarding, fishing, bowling, juggling, martial arts, art, etc. During Innovations your students will be divided into groups by age range and will rotate through three classes with their group. Discovery is often similar but sometimes the groups are divided differently according to the activity we are doing for that session. The day your location will have Innovations and Discovery is assigned by location and will remain the same throughout the school year but the times of day rotate. 

  • Innovations: 8 weeks, on campus
  • Discovery: 4 weeks, on or off campus

Sign ups for both of these programs happen for every 8 weeks of activities. You will either sign up for one 8 week session of Innovations or two 4 week sessions of Discovery.

More information


Each Adventures at Home student chooses a day to attend for Epic.  CGA registrar will let you know which days are available upon enrollment.  Epic is from 9:00 am – 3:15 pm  We are located at:

588 West 3300 North, Pleasant Grove

10504 South Redwood Rd, South Jordan

349 North 7th Street, Tooele

Epic consists of multi-aged classes where students are grouped youngest to oldest with similar-aged peers.  The classes are called Aspen, Birch, Cedar and Oak.  Topics covered are Leadership, Math, Language Arts, Science and History-based themed lessons which include Stem, Social Studies, Art, Literature studies. We focus on project-based, interactive and engaging lessons that promote critical thinking and discussion.

EPIC DAY THEME FOR 2024/2025 is A History of the United States: Pre Colonial to the 1800s!

Our schedule is as follows:

Unit 1: Weeks 1-9 – Early American History

Unit 2: Weeks 8-15 – The American Revolution

Unit 3: Weeks 16-21 – Creating the U.S. Government

Unit 4: Weeks 22-25 – Westward Expansion

Unit 5: Weeks 26-34 – United States in the 1800’s

The themed lessons are History-based and include STEM Activities, Science, Social Studies, Art, Math and Language Arts.  We focus on engaging, interactive, project-based lessons that promote critical thinking and discussion.  We are teaching Utah State standards with Hands-On Fun.  The students are grouped in classes youngest to oldest, Aspen, Birch, Cedar and Oak, with similar-aged peers so that they can gain valuable friendships and social opportunities.  Our Dive Deeper activities are available for you to extend the learning at home.

Please be on time so your child doesn’t miss our leadership meeting. Leadership is when your child’s teacher celebrates student accomplishments and recognizes birthdays. We will also delve into the Canyon Grove Guideposts together. Leadership lessons develop the concepts in the guideposts using learning games, songs, biographies, quotations,  discussions, mindfulness exercises, Growth Mindset principles, and movement. Our students explore each of the guideposts and examine how they can apply them in their lives. We wrap up the year with our final guidepost, Anything is Possible, to launch them into a summer of discovery and fun.

RECESS:  12:15 pm-12:30 pm Students play first and then eat so they do not rush through eating to get to their recess activities.

LUNCH:  12:30 pm-12:45 pm  Please send your child with a lunch from home that can be eaten within the given time frame and doesn’t require heating. Please let them know that they will be eating what you send with them in their OWN lunch.    There is no bartering lunch items.

Please send your student to school with a water bottle, home lunch, and backpack each day.

Your student also has the option of attending Innovations and Discovery Days.

Facebook page

Facebook group

Instagram @canyongroveacademy

Remind  (an app for receiving text reminders)


Leadership is taught during Epic.  Our leadership studies help students to learn how their brain works, teaches them some learning tricks and even helps students train the brain to work more effectively.  Each guidepost is represented through song to help our students remember and take to heart the guideposts and what they represent.

The school mascots Respectful, Responsible and Ready lead the way through our guidepost themes.

I Am Respectful in my words, actions, and relationships

I Am Responsible to do my best and be my best

I Am Ready to work, learn, and grow.

  1. Seize the Day! – I live mindfully in the present
  2. Own It! – I am responsible for how I act, no matter how I feel.
  3. Words Have Power – I think before I speak
  4. Commit! – I commit to work toward achieving my goals and dreams
  5. Failure Leads to Success – I learn from my mistakes
  6. Honesty is the Best Policy – When I have integrity there’s nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide.
  7. Be Open to Change – My way is not the only way.
  8. Balance – I develop healthy habits and build healthy relationships.
  9. Anything is Possible – I can work hard, dream big, and live a wonderful life.

I Show I’m A Leader By Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready.

Based upon a foundation of literature and using several other tools of learning including biographies, quotations & discussions, mindfulness exercises, Growth Mindset principles, movement, music, and learning games, our students explore each of these statements and look at how they apply them in their lives. We end the year with the final concept: Anything is Possible. I Will Discover & Create My Best Self to launch them into a summer of discovery and fun.

Greatest Of All Time… Me

Lyrics for all CGA songs

Common Dress

Canyon Grove Academy has a common dress code. The intent of the common dress code is to minimize distractions in the learning environment, promote a sense of community among students, and increase campus safety and security.   To keep it simple we have a Canyon Grove Academy T-shirt and sweatshirt available for purchase.  This T-shirt and sweatshirt can be worn with jeans in good repair, skirts, leggings, pants, etc. We also want all toes to stay safe! Shoes must cover the entire foot and be worn in and outside the school. Students should not wear hats inside the school, but they can wear hats outside for warmth. CGA T-shirt and sweatshirt are worn by our students at all our school-sponsored activities such as Epic, Discovery, Innovations, field trips, and events.  Call the school for more information.

Drop-off & Pick-up

Drop-Off: 8:50 am – 9:00 am

  • Please encourage your students to be ready to unload, have their materials ready to go, as you enter the lineup of cars.
  • Have any last minute instructions or conversations with them BEFORE you get to the curb.
  • Once at the curb, please kindly encourage your students to exit your vehicle in a timely manner.

Please ONLY be late if there is a true emergency.

Attendance: If your student misses an Epic Day, please contact your Educational Specialist to excuse their absence.

Pick-Up:  3:15 pm – 3:25 pm

  • Please close your door and move away from the curb in an efficient manner so that we can keep the line moving.
  • Please visit with your students about their day once you have driven away from the curb.
  • We thank you for your assistance in keeping traffic flowing smoothly.

Pick-up Authorization: If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up, please notify the ES before 2:30 pm.


  • Classes will only be cancelled if there is severe weather or another emergency that prohibits teachers and students from safely traveling or meeting together in a healthy environment.
  •  Parents will be notified via TEXT.

South Jordan Map

Parent Meetings and Student Education Plans

Teachers serve as a guide and support throughout the education process. Families meet with their teacher regularly to discuss student as they progress toward their goals.  Please keep in mind that this communication with your teacher is essential and a requirement for participation in this program. Please show that you value our program by having a truly effective conversation about the academic progress of your student with your teacher.

At the beginning of the school year, or at the end of the previous year, you will create an individualized Student Education Plan (SEP) with your teacher. Your student’s SEP will outline the curriculum your student will be using and your goals for the school year. In addition you will meet regularly with your teacher to collaborate on student academic growth and course completion.  Evidence of student learning can also be uploaded into our school software to show progress through their power standards.  This is an easy way for both parent and student to see their accomplishments.

Language Arts

Exploring quality literature and developing a strong skill base is the foundation of Language Arts at Canyon Grove. Our Epic program includes Wonders, an explicit phonics curriculum that helps our younger students build a solid foundation in reading and spelling through direct instruction and game-based learning. Older students delve into valuable literature discussions that correspond with the weekly Epic topics and focus on essentials such as strong writing abilities and deeper literary analytical skills. This combined approach opens up the wonder of the literary world and helps students make important connections in History, Humanities, and STEM. 

Student progress is essential and current levels of mastery will be visible on our CGA online dashboard as students attain grade-level Power Standards skills and through rubric-supported writing samples. Participation in Acadience, NWEA, and RISE assessments also help us work together to ensure a strong academic foundation and mastery of essential Language Arts skills and empower students to own their success as they celebrate their individual academic progress. 

At home, we encourage students to focus on becoming avid and engaged readers, developing strong keyboarding and discussion skills, and building a strong writing voice. To do so, we recommend the following for all students:

  • CGA Family Literacy & Skills course (or a comparable option from the Resource Library)
  • Lexia and/or PowerUp weekly
  • Wonders 2023
  • Keyboarding for 3rd-6th grade students weekly
  • Participation in CGA Battle of the Books events yearly for 3rd-6th grade students
  • Daily 5 literacy habits adapted to a warm, encouraging home environment 
    • Read to Self (daily: snuggled on couch, flashlight under covers, treehouse, blanket fort) 
    • Work on Writing (often: build stamina, find a voice and purpose for writing, underline)
    • Read to Someone (Emerging readers, daily. Strong readers, often: parent, siblings, adopt-a-grandparent, lonely neighbor)
    • Word Work (often: word games while folding laundry or making dinner together -patterns, word families, prefixes, suffixes, rhyming, etc.)
    • Listen to Reading (often: audiobooks while driving or playing Legos, family read-aloud, and discussions around great literature)

Check our Library tab for lots of approved take home language arts curriculum.


When it comes to math we have all faced the challenge of making math fun, merging true understanding with practical application. At Canyon Grove, our math instruction is focused on enjoying math as well as using it effectively. Students engage in math games in  Epic day to encourage connection, wonder, and application of math skills. We nurture finding the why behind math and help them feel cared for no matter where they are academically, socially, or emotionally by having fun with the learning process. At home, we encourage learner agency and because of this, we help students use the math materials that will help them to master content knowledge and be excited about what they are learning. To do so, we offer many different options, all of which have proven effective. We cannot emphasize enough that CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY! Data has shown that students thrive with any of our math programs as long as they are consistently engaged. We recommend the following for all students to streamline math instruction and accountability measures:

  • CGA Family Math: This program can be added to anything you are already doing with math and encourages families to enjoy math through a weekly shared experience.
  • Fluency Practice: While we don’t want to spend all of our time doing rote memorization of math facts, having a solid foundation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts helps boost student confidence in math ability, and it also creates a solid foundation for future math concepts. We’ve developed a program where younger students learn one math fact a day. We recommend families practice that one fact all throughout the day, and then before bedtime or at the end of the day, see if the student has it memorized. If students learn a small amount each day, it will add up to a vast amount of knowledge. Students should also spend 10 minutes a day practicing facts on a site like XtraMath. It’s free to create an account, and it’s easy to use. 
  • Zearn or ST Math: Research proves both of these programs provide a deeper level of mastery. If a student is struggling and significantly behind in grade level, we recommend using Zearn or Imagine Learning. ST Math could still be used in that situation as a supplemental program.
    • Zearn Math is a top-rated program that uses video direct instruction, including visual representations of math concepts, making it engaging for all students and reaching their various learning needs no matter their current skill level. All CGA K-6th grade students will be provided access to Zearn for the 2022-2023 school year so they can enjoy the benefits of this program. Students must be placed at the appropriate entry point for their current skill level so be certain to talk to your ES when they begin. Parents can print the workbook at home or request a copy from the school. (Please order a workbook if you are using Zearn as your main, stand-alone program). Zearn is a complete math program because students enter some of the answers from the workbook or scratch paper directly into the program which greatly simplifies the accountability process. 
    • ST Math focuses on math reasoning skills and is engaging, game-based learning. It is a non-verbal program and students visually play with math concepts. This playfulness really builds strong math reasoning skills which allows students to use math in the real world. Once they understand the non-verbal approach, most students thrive in this program. Because of this initial learning curve, we recommend that a parent watches an introductory training video to support the student with a smooth start in this fun program. ST Math can be a stand-alone program or supplemental. If using ST math as a stand-alone, you will upload math puzzle talk problems twice a month into Google classroom. Or, ST Math can be a supplement for math reasoning support to Zearn or any other math program.
  • Math games checked out from the resource library as needed for extra practice and engagement

Other paper curricula (such as Saxon, Singapore, Math Mammoth, or Math-U-See) are still available from Canyon Grove Academy and can be used with ST Math or another online program. End-of-unit assignments will be uploaded for accountability and students will be able to see their progress through the CGA online student dashboard. Paper curriculum used with no online programs will require teacher/parent collaboration with the workbook twice monthly so the ES can effectively support your student in their mathematical journey. You will be able to see what assignments need to be submitted on the Pacing Guide in each week’s Family Math document in Ally.

Students can see their individual learning success through our CGA online dashboard as they attain grade-level Power Standards skills and progress through their math course for the year. Participation in Acadience, NWEA, and RISE assessments also help us work together to ensure a strong academic foundation and mastery of essential math skills. Students will learn to recognize their learning strengths and to also have the tenacity to persevere through tough moments of growth. We want students to feel true accomplishment as they celebrate their individual progress and take ownership of their educational journey.

Check our Library tab for lots of approved take home Math curriculum.