Optimize Learning-Empower Skills

Optimize Learning-Empower Skills   Be Ready to Learn With a Positive Attitude How we feel toward learning can be a lot more important than what we are actually learning about.  When we choose to have a positive attitude our minds…


“If you want children to continue dreaming to the moon and beyond, then dream with them, both by sharing your fervent dreams, and by diving heart first into their own.” ~ Vince Gowmon When our children are young, they frequently explore…

Infinite Potential!

“The potential possibilities of any child are the most  intriguing and stimulating in all creation.”              Through-out history, children were often raised to learn, work, and duplicate the roles and occupations…


“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”  This quote is from the international-renown physicist--Albert Einstein, who wasn’t able to talk until the age of three, suffered from dyslexia and autism, was labeled mentally retarded…


Parents, you are incredible. We celebrate you and thank-you for your daily efforts to support the education of your children. Parenting is a 24-7 commitment. The selfless work you do every day matters so much!  What are you doing to take care…

Define your "WHY"

Define Your “WHY” We’re a few months into the new school year. We’re already experiencing and adjusting what is working well and  what is not. During these times it is important to remember  your “WHY”.  Why are you doing…

Be Ready to Learn With a Positive Attitude

Be Ready to Learn With a Positive Attitude How we feel toward learning can be a lot more important than what we are actually learning about.  When we choose to have a positive attitude our minds open up and learning becomes easier.  A positive…

In The Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" This quote is from the international-renown physicist--Albert Einstein, who wasn’t able to talk until the age of three, suffered from dyslexia and autism, was labeled mentally…

Family Routine

Routines are a great way to get everyone on the same page and working together. When everyone involved knows what is expected, and when it is expected, there are fewer arguments and more accomplishments. Over time my family created routines…

A Mother's Sacrifice

I sent my daughter to kindergarten on the first day of school.  She did just fine, but I didn’t. She never went back. I loved every second I spent with my babies.  That particular baby is all grown up with three babies of her own. Her babies…

Avoiding Mom (Parent) Burnout

Moms are amazing women who are committed to the success of their children.  They often have incredible drive and tend to forget themselves as they strive to care for those around them.  Typically when a mom takes on educating their kids at…

Failure - How We Grow.

We have been talking a lot about Failure as part of our 21st Century Skills.  It is an interesting subject because of the power it has over us. Failure, and perhaps even worse, the fear of failure, often holds us back. It prevents us from becoming…

Hard Things

In the world of children,  testing is one of the hard things they are required to do. I was opposed to testing and the stress that it causes.  I tried to shelter my now adult children from any and all stress,  but have since changed my…

In Hindsight

I was educated in the world of homeschooling to believe that my child would pick up reading when she was ready.   My twin daughters were opposite ends of the spectrum. One began reading at age 5, the other struggled until I finally got her…