
I can do hard things 

It takes hours of diligent commitment to learn to read or learn new math skills.  Our kids work hard and commit to learning every day.  All great accomplishments require long-term commitment, hard work, and resolve to achieve.

Doing hard things to achieve a worthwhile goal or dream builds the G.O.A.T. in us!  Whether it’s learning to read independently, or memorizing a piano sonata… it takes time, grit, determination, and persistence to achieve!

Doing hard things builds resilience and confidence.  

In a world where we have so much access to immediate gratification for whatever we want, we need to redefine “hard things”.  Achievement requires that we challenge ourselves and our children to make daily consistent endeavors and focus for an extended period of time, to see a project or goal through to completion. This includes having to do the things we don’t really enjoy, or want to do…BECAUSE…we are committed.  To maintain commitment, and push through the hard parts, we keep our sights on our desired outcome or end-goal.

When we know what we really want, we make the effort, no matter the difficulty, or however long it takes. We’ve got the grit! We commit!


Additional Resources:

Song: Commit! Mp3

Lyrics for Commit!.pdf 

Picture Books for Goal Setting w/kids 

Raising overcomers_ How to teach your kids to do hard things.pdf 

RELATED: How to Teach Kids Perseverance and Goal-Setting

5 Qualities Kids Need to Follow Their Dreams.pdf