State Testing

Please note that we will be administering Acadience & KEEP test at all Epic locations starting the first week of school. RISE is administered at the end of the school year.   We truly appreciate all the student participating in these tests because it shows how amazing our program is at creating students who are readers! If you have any questions, please contact your teacher. Opt-Out Form

Parental Exclusion form for opting out of the state mandated assessments

Parent Notification and Opt-Out Form School Climate Survey


Our CGA Charter allows for 648 K-8 students. Enrollment for the following academic year begins each February.  Enrollment for the current year is contingent upon availability.  You can begin enrollment for your student by completing the application found under student enrollment.  Once your application is complete the registrar will contact you within two business days letting you know of availability.  If there is availability the enrollment is complete upon your submission of the student’s birth certificate and immunization records.

Common Dress

Canyon Grove Academy has a common dress code. The intent of the common dress code is to minimize distractions in the learning environment, promote a sense of community among students, and increase campus safety and security.   To keep it simple we have a Canyon Grove Academy T-shirt, hoodie and/or sweatshirt available for purchase.

Asbestos Management Plan

As required by Federal and State regulation, Canyon Grove Academy has an Asbestos Management Plan and it is available for inspection by appointment.  Interested parties may contact the school

Teacher Qualifications
Canyon Grove Academy employs certified teachers. Parents may request information regarding the qualifications of their children’s teachers by emailing Mrs. Pili directly at

LEA Report Card

Parental Involvement

Declaration of Household Income Form

School Land Trust

Rules of Order and Procedure Template
Meeting Schedule:
November 8th, 2024   1:00-2:00 pm   via zoom
Agenda for 11/8/24
January:  TBA
February:  TBA
March:  TBA
May:  TBA
Parent Election Invitation


School Land Trust Membership
Tiffany Sherbel:
Rachel Buchanan:
NaTaya Nelson:
Robyn Barnhill:
Kim Goates:
Sheri Berard:
Debbie Cluff:
Public Record Financial Reporting School Land Trust
Carson Scholarship Information   If you are a parent of a student with an IEP enrolled in a public school, Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship Program is available to provide your child with the ability to attend a private school. Utah Code Section 53A-1a-704(10)

Student Data Collection

Ferpa Directory


Pesticide Use on School Grounds
The school will minimize the use of pesticides, particularly on the interior of the facility, by using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques.  A record will be maintained at the school office of pesticide use by third-party contractors as well as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals applied on the premises.

Child Abuse Resources for Parents/Guardians
Parenting a Child or Youth Who Has Been Sexually Abused: A Guide for Foster and Adoptive Parents
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Caring for Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Abuse
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Resources including programs, services, and education designed to prevent child abuse in all forms
Prevent child Abuse Utah
Childhelp Hotline
Resources for Parents
Utah Office of the Attorney General

Child Abuse Resources for Students
Childhelp Hotline Chat or
Call/Text 1-800-422-4453 Childhelp
National Sexual Assault contact for before/after a sexual assault 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Child Protection Registry
The Child Protection Registry is a free service provided by the State of Utah to keep adult products e-mail out of your household.
It’s fast, free, secure, and only takes three easy steps to help protect your household from inappropriate e-mails:
1. Visit the Internet website:
2. Click “Register Your Household’s Email Addresses”
3. Enter any e-mail addresses used by your household

Statewide Online Educational Program Notice
Statewide Online Educational Program

Notification of rodent prevention services
We have rodent control products on campus.

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian:
Your child, if in grades K, 1,3,5,7, will be given a vision screening during the month of September.   Before screening is conducted, state law requires parents be informed that vision screening is not a substitute for an eye examination by an eye care specialist.
Vision screening may take place at any point during the school year. Every attempt is made to have student vision screening completed within 60 days from the start of the school year. Several methods for vision screening are state approved and available for student screening. Any of the following methods may be used to screen your child: Distance vision charts, photo screening, or computerized programs. School screenings are coordinated by the school nurse who may use trained parent volunteers and school staff to assist or may request state-approved vision screening assistance from the Lions Sight Foundation, Friends for Sight, or the Utah Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
You will receive a referral letter if your child fails the screening. However, even if your child passed, it is important that your child see an eye care specialist once a year. School vision screening does not evaluate eye health and cannot uncover important vision problems or prescribe treatment. Vision referral information, on children age 8 and under, will be reported to the Utah State Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired as stated in Utah Law 53A-11-203.
Because academic learning is 80% visual, and visual problems are best detected and treated early, a comprehensive eye and vision examination is recommended. Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for success in school.
Please provide the school with written notification if you do not want your child to participate in the screening program.
Sincerely, Mrs. Goates

LEA Specific License

Utah Educator Lookup

FTE ALL Educators Professional Qualified for Assignment Qualified through an Associate Program Qualified through an LEA Specific FTE K-12 Classroom and Special Education Teachers Professional Qualified for Assignment Qualified through an Associate Program Qualified through an LEA Specific Percentage of Professional Classroom teaching Out of Area Percentage Professional Classroom Teachers
36 47% 11% 42% 28 49% 14% 37% 7% 53%

Percentage (based on FTE) of types of licenses, license areas, and endorsements held by educators employed in each school;

APPEL Program

The Alternate Pathway to Professional Educator License (APPEL) is an Educator Preparation Program as defined by the Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules R277-303.

  • Educator preparation program may include a program developed by or associated with an institution of higher education, individual Local Education Agency (LEA), or the Board.
  • Educator preparation program means a comprehensive program administered by an entity that is intended to prepare individuals to meet the requirements for a Utah professional license or license area of concentration.

CGA educators may engage in APPEL. Learn more at

Associate Educator License

The AEL is for anyone who wants to become a Utah teacher but has not completed an educator preparation program (university-based or alternate program). Please be aware that an AEL is a temporary, non-transferable license.

LEA-Specific License

An LEA-Specific educator license, including areas of concentration and endorsements, is issued by the state board at the request of an LEA’s governing body (i.e.-local school board) that is valid for an employee to fill a position in the LEA if other licensing routes for the applicant are untenable or unreasonable. The LEA governing board agrees to provide the documentation and support outlined in R277-301-7.


In July 2020, the State of Utah adopted major changes to its educator licensing structure and requirements. This assessment will be required for all teachers recommended for initial licensure after August 1, 2021 Please note: This requirement will apply to teachers who are recommended for initial Utah professional licensure (i.e. Elementary, Secondary, Career & Technical Education, Special Education) after August 1, 2021. Learn more. 

Professional License

The professional license is for any educator who has successfully completed a traditional educator preparation program.

Utah Licensing Requirements

View for the most current information on educator licensing.

Reporting a Concern

If you would like to report a concern (e.g., misuse of assets, funds, or resources; non-compliance with regulations, policies or rules; fraud, waste, abuse or unethical behavior) please contact the Internal Audit Department in one of the following ways:

1. Fill out the Report a Concern Form.

2. E-mail us at Web Content)

3. Call our dedicated hotline at (801) 538-7813, or

4. Mail a concern to:

Utah State Board of Education
Internal Audit Department
Attention: Debbie Davis
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200

5. Visit the Internal Audit Department Offices, 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Alen Howard, M.Ed.
Board Member
Canyon Grove Academy